29th September to 2nd October

Cricket Camp for boys in year 5-9  Fun & skills for novices & veterans near Peak Hill. $280.

Call Maria 0428 360 724.


4th to 7th October

Football (Soccer) Camp Oct 4-7 for boys and girls Years 5-9, a 3-day intensive football masterclass, with quality coaching from former Socceroos player Gerry Gomez! Lake Macquarie $249.

Call Lachlan Batley 0499 996 418
Beach Mission – You are Needed!

Now is also a good time to consider whether God would have you join a beach mission over the new year period.

There are also Ag Camps, Bike Camps, Computer Camps 

Check them all at sunsw.org.au or talk to Dave Tankard 0401 571 978.


Website: https://sunsw.org.au/camps