The Wire
Gambling advertising remains an issue across the country with most Australians saying they want the government to take stronger action...
The results of a recent clinical trial has found a potential new treatment option for nicotine addiction, and it’s available...
Today the state government of Victoria decided against a supervised injecting room in Melbourne.Despite findings highlighting a clear need, the...
TikTok is a platform that has exploded in popularity since its introduction in 2019.The app allows streamers to pocket from...
“Me being sober doesn’t stop life’s challenges from coming my way. It’s given me a lot better capacity to cope with what does come my way.”
Shame is a big part of addiction. To recover, people don’t need judgment. They need acceptance of who they are, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
After battling a porn addiction for 6 years, this Pastor shares his thoughts on how to help Christians who are wanting to break free.
If someone you know battles an addiction, it’s probably covering up some deep-seated wound or emotional pain they don’t know how to face.
“When I was in prison, it so happened that I met believers. Once they prevailed upon me to come into the prayer room where they had Bible study classes.”