Surviving Chronic Illness is a humorous and frank account of Steph’s experiences living with lupus and the faith tracking alongside it.
Having experienced decades of abusive relationships, Jakki Civeriati began to learn powerful tools to help her break free.
‘Franki and Banksia’ was a winner in the New York City Big Book Awards this year, which was a huge milestone for Sydney mum Leanne Murner.
The Little Pago author says, “The book highlights one of the critical threats that our marine life face, which is plastic pollution in the ocean.”
“This idea that is built into all of us, into our DNA, is this desire and reflex to help,” Ebony Gaylor, sociologist and social futurist.
Rebekah Campbell’s book ‘138 Dates’ covers her three-year journey in finding love, confronting grief and rejection, and perseverance.
“COVID has taught us that some things are out of our control. We can’t change them,” says podcaster and author – Maggie Dent
As we ask harder questions about the state of our world, Dr Orr-Ewing says “questions and doubts are not the enemy of the Christian faith”.
A novel about a mysterious airport baggage handler who reveals how people are being held back in life, has won prestigious US Christian writing award.
She had won gold at 3 different Olympic Games but beneath the surface, she was struggling—with crippling anxiety and depression.