The Wire
This month, the Queensland government is promoting Multicultural Queensland Month, to celebrate the diversity of cultures across the state. Last week,...
Women’s Health Victoria has launched a new campaign under their Shequal initiative, hoping to highlight and challenge harmful gender stereotypes...
Women with diverse backgrounds are still underrepresented across all levels of government in Australian politics.However, a program offered by the...
Get your national dress (or orange shirt) ready, Harmony Week is here and there are events in communities throughout Australia.
Having friends who hold opposing points of view on topics is one of the greatest gifts life can ever give your future, writes Amanda Viviers.
God declares all humans equal because we are created in his image, no matter how much we earn, how we look or where we live, writes Robert Martin.
Despite diversity in workplaces, the reality is that a fearless exchange of perspectives is often inhibited.
More cultural diversity means the pace of our communication may need to slow down, to ensure we communicate and engage with communities well.
The latest migration data reveals Australia is increasingly culturally diverse with three in ten Australians born overseas according to the ABS.
In order for organisations to achieve demographic diversity, it is important to understand what some of the barriers are.